Monday, March 3, 2008

old man winter needs to get the heck outta dodge!

Seriously - I don't know how much more I can take. We were teased and taunted by a high in the 70s (!!!) yesterday. I even went to Walmart and bought a skirt and some tank tops in a fit of springtime glee. And like most women, when I buy new clothes, I want to wear them immediately, if not sooner! But today, it's in the 30s, and we have more winter weather moving in as I type. We're going to get anywhere from 3-12" of snow by the time it ends tomorrow, apparently. Fantastic. I would tear my hair out, if I weren't having such a good hair day. :) At least my Timmy-friend is here to keep me company and provide comic relief. Thank goodness for that! But, Nick will probably miss his third day of preschool in as many weeks, and I will yet again have to miss my beloved fitness classes. Curses!

1 comment:

Patty O. said...

Amen, sister! I have never hated winter more than I do at this moment. Not only has it kept me inside, but I wholeheartedly blame it for this damn virus i cannot shake. In fact, at this point, I pretty much blame winter for all my woes! : )

The other day as I was rummaging in my closet I found my favorite pair of sandals and wondered if I would ever again have the opportunity to wear them. (SIGH)