Friday, March 14, 2008

headin' in the right direction

I'm thrilled to have lost two pounds this week! Maybe I'm done with the 170s for good now! I'm a little worried about this weekend, since I'll be eating out and having pizza and cake for Nick's birthday and not working out, but hopefully if I start hitting it hard again next week, I'll undo the damage. And I can't believe that if I lose just 1.5 more lbs., I'll be at the 40-lb. mark! Wow. I'll have to take measurements again at that point to see if I've lost more inches.

Went to playgroup this morning and had some lovely chatting with my peeps. It's a great social outlet! Now, Nick and I are back home, and I have to pack our stuff and get ready to leave for Springfield in a couple of hours. So, I'm over and out until next week. Have a great weekend, everybody!

1 comment:

Patty O. said...

Good job, Amy! I am so happy for you!

How was your party weekend? Can you believe Nick is already 4? Crazy!