Wednesday, March 12, 2008

pearly whites/bronze glow

Nick and I had our dental checkups today, and we both passed with flying colors! Nick did great - it gets easier each time we take him. There was one funny moment: The hygienist was cleaning Nick's teeth, and explained to him that the suction thingy was like a little vacuum that would suck the spit and toothpaste out of his mouth. She finished the top teeth and said "OK, now I'm going to do the bottom!" Nick replied "No - don't vacuum my bottom!" :) Tee hee.

Had a kickass kickboxing class this morning. It killed me! I was drenched in sweat, and there were several moments when I thought I might die, but I loved it! I know - it's a little weird. Sometimes I wonder if I could be getting addicted to exercise, but I don't think it's an issue just yet. :) Jutta came with me, and I think she enjoyed it, too. Afterwards, Jutta and her son, Bryan, came over to our house, and the boys played outside, enjoying the beautiful 70-degree weather. They were joined on the swingset by Angela's (our neighbor) two boys, and the four kids had a high time.

Now, Nick is napping, and I'm getting caught up on such lovely things as laundry and online taking-care-of-business. Oh, one cool thing that's going on in my life right now is that I have been using that Jergens Natural Glow daily moisturizer (the one that causes a tan to develop after a few days of use), and I have to say that it's working! I have developed quite a nice bronze glow, and I'm a huge fan. It'll be nice to have some color for summertime.

That's all she wrote today.

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