Saturday, March 22, 2008

a few more nick-isms

Here are a few more things Nick has said lately, for your reading pleasure:

When we took him for his check-up, the very first thing he said when the doctor walked in was "I'm not going to let you touch my penis!"

Last night, we went out to eat, and I ordered coffee, saying "with cream, please." Nick said (loudly and in the presence of the waitress) "with butt cream?" (That's what we call diaper rash cream.)

The other day, we were driving along, and that Gwen Stefani song came on the radio - the one that goes "whoo hoo; yee hoo". Nick loves that song, and recognizes it the instant it starts playing. He said "Mommy! It's Gwen Stefani! I love her. She's my girlfriend, because she's my favorite singer. I wish I could skidoo (a Blue's Clues reference) into the radio and sing with her."


Patty O. said...

That is so great. Good that Nick is very protective of his privates!!!! That made my day. And I love the butt cream comment. It's funny, because we bought Butt Paste for a bad rash Danny had and he calls it Butt Toothpaste. Always makes me smile.

Good job on your weight loss. I am really impressed with you. I hope you have a really nice Easter!!

Anonymous said...

Well written article.