Friday, March 21, 2008

another friday

Well, I lost another pound this week. I'm happy about that, though I wish the scale could have just given me another 1/2-lb., so I could have been at the 40-lb. mark. Maybe next week! I went ahead and measured myself again this morning, and I have lost 1.75" from each arm, 4" from my bust, 5.5" from my waist, 6" from my hips, 3.5" from each thigh, and 1" from each calf, for a grand total of 28 inches! Not too shabby.

Since there was no playgroup today due to spring break, I decided to hit the Friday fitness class. It was a killer! I sweated buckets, but I enjoyed it a lot. I really like the instructor who taught today. After class, Nick and I went to visit our friends Rebecca and Cooper (and baby Jack!). It was a nice time - the boys played pretty nicely, and I got to hold the baby, so it was all good. And I always enjoy some nice, sarcastic conversation with Rebecca - she's a lot like me!

I'm glad the weekend is upon us. We're going to go out to dinner tonight, and tomorrow will be fairly low-key. Sunday, we'll be driving to St. Louis to join a passel of my relatives for Easter dinner. I'm not really looking forward to the 4-hr. (round trip) drive, but the event itself will be nice. It's good to see these relatives, and it doesn't happen very often.

Have a spectacular weekend!

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