Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Well, the snowstorm spared us! Yay! It would seem that it sort of split into two sections - one to the north of us and one to the south. Those areas, including Springfield, got lots of snow (8+ inches in Springfield!), but we got virtually nothing. So, Nick had preschool today, and I was able to go to my strength-training class.

Tim and I are enjoying our time together. We're not really doing anything stupendous, but are just hanging out and laughing a lot. Yesterday, we did some shopping in Rolla (I bought a bathing suit - Lord, help me), and today, he came with me to pick Nick up from preschool, after which we ran some errands locally. Now, we're just relaxing in the living room and watching Dr. Oz on Oprah. :)

Yesterday for lunch, I gave Nick fish sticks with ketchup and apples with peanut butter. He proceeded to dip every fish stick in peanut butter and every apple slice in ketchup, and he ate every bite. Furthermore, he said he loved it! Different strokes...

I'm excited, because tonight is Idol. And tomorrow is kickboxing class - my favorite! But I am bummed that Tim is leaving tomorrow. I'll miss him! I'll get to see him again in 1 1/2 weeks, though, when we go to Springfield for Nick's birthday weekend.

That's me.

1 comment:

Patty O. said...

I'm so glad you were spared the snowstorm. we got hit pretty bad with some ice (we actually had several large branches fall off trees in front of the house. It was a bit scary) so Danny was home again yesterday. Thankfully, I was starting to feel better.

I love your idea of naming the virus Elvira. You are funny! Hey, have you tried any recipes from the cookbook?

enjoy your visit with Tim!
I miss you.
P.S. our first book club meeting is tomorrow night! And I am going come hell or high water. Elvira be damned!! I'll let you know how it goes.