Sunday, January 25, 2009

the great food purge

I actually did it today! I did the massive food purge that has been a long time comin'. I filled 4 kitchen trash bags with expired/freezer-burned/stale food from my fridge, freezer, and pantry. I'm ashamed to admit that a few pantry items even dated back to the turn of the century. :) It seems like we hardly have anything now! It's so nice, though, to look in the fridge and pantry and know that everything there is current and something that we will most likely use. I feel somewhat guilty at throwing out so much food, but I know I'm not the only one to let such excess occur, and to keep food so long past its expiration date. On some of the "dry" food, I'm pretty sure it would probably still have been OK, but I had to draw a line somewhere, and I figured that even if it was still edible and safe to eat, the fact that we had had it for so long and hadn't eaten it probably meant that we would never eat it. So, out it went! It was incredibly cathartic - I highly recommend this, readers! :) I also threw out all of my expired pharmaceuticals.

So, the purging continues. At this point, I still have the office closet (I dread this, as it will be time-consuming and fraught with tough decisions.) and Nick's and my spring/summer clothes. I can't believe I've gotten so much done already!

I bought the first two tubs for Christmas decor, and I'm not looking forward to getting into that, but it must be done, and baby steps are the key. Wish me luck! Oh, and I finally got all of my discarded books out of the house. I garnered a paltry sum for a few of them at a used bookstore, and donated the rest to the library.


MissouriMormonMama said...

Super! Keep on trucking Amy, you're doing an awesome job!

Amber said...

Way to go Amy!

I've been trying to purge bit by bit at my house too. Just today I went through my closet and filled a huge box with clothes to get rid of. So cathartic!

Patty O. said...

Great progress. I recently went through the medicine cabinet and couldn't believe all the pharmaceuticals that were expired. And when I say "expired" I mean that some of them were several years past their expiration date. It does feel good to purge, doesn't it?