Friday, February 1, 2008


First of all - thank you, Patty and Christie! I love you guys.

I'm feeling a bit better now. When Brian got home from work, I sort of fell apart all over him and cried and emoted and blubbered, and he was very sweet and understanding. Then, I declared that I didn't care about my diet today and I wanted Domino's pizza, Coke, and a cheese danish. :) This might not be exactly the "nice thing for myself" that Patty had in mind, but it seems to be what I needed today, however ill-advised. I was also helped by the fact that my Timmy-friend finally called me after a too-long hiatus, and we had good, juicy talkies. He gave me some lovin' and agreed that as destructive as it seems, eating some "forbidden" foods for one night might be just what the doctor ordered. So, off my dear husband went to get the much-coveted foodstuffs, and I am now full of tummy and calmer of mind. I do feel somewhat guilty for eating that stuff, but I also feel like "to heck with it! I wanted those things tonight, and that's what I needed to feel better, and that's that!" :) I will definitely resume eating well and exercising tomorrow, and see what happens this week with the weight-loss.

Also, Nick just pooped on the potty for the third time! And this time, there was minimal trauma. Progress!

I think I needed a pity party today, but I'm snapping out of it...

1 comment:

Patty O. said...

I am glad you are feeling better. When I got home from Texas, I got your phone call--I had responded to your blog from there. Sorry I hadn't called back, but I was gone from Wed. night to Sunday night. I will try to call you back today; Bil is pretty sick, so I will do my best.
Gotta run and take Danny to school.