Monday, February 18, 2008


Today, we decided to pile in the car and sally forth to Osage Beach (about an hour away) for some shopping. We started at Target (also known as "The Wonderland of Joy" or just "Nirvana" for short), where I found two really cute fine-gauge knit tops on clearance, plus a pair of watershoes for Nick. We also enjoyed a treat at Starbucks (manna!). Then, we went to a nearby pet store to let Nick look at the animals, but when we got out of the car, we noticed that the right rear tire was quite low, and saw a piece of metal sticking out of it. This was not good. The best-laid plans of mice and men, eh? But, it turned out OK. We found an automotive repair place very nearby, and they patched the tire up and had us back on the road in short order. The place was very clean and nice, and they really treated us well. They even had couches in the waiting area! Nick enjoyed watching through the window as they raised the car up and lowered it back down. When they were done, we drove off to Steak 'n' Shake for some lunch, but when we got there, we discovered that we had left our backpack at the car place. Grrrrr. So, back we drove. When we drove up, the guy came out with our backpack - more great service! Then, we really did leave the car place for good and went and had our lunch. After that, we went back to the pet store, where Nick had a high time viewing the mice, guinea pigs, birds, fish, etc. I really liked the mice - they were so cute and active, and looked hilarious running in their wheels! It almost made me want one. Almost. Anywho, by the time we left the pet store, we were sort of tired and didn't feel like doing too much more. We drove to the outlet mall there, and I ran into the Children's Place outlet and bought a cute summer shirt for Nick for $2.99, and then we headed on home. And here we are.

I'm looking forward to starting our "normal" week tomorrow. And to more Idol!

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