Monday, February 11, 2008

ice, ice, baby!

Say hello to my new little friend! I have an affinity for gnomes, and I really liked the look of this little guy, so I brought him home from Target, courtesy of a Christmas gift card from my in-laws. I really like his tall, pointy red hat.

So, right now, we're getting some pretty serious ice here in my neck of the woods. It would seem that February is making us pay for the lack of precip in January. Brian went in to work this morning, before it all started, but he was released early and got home around 11. We have a little front-wheel-drive car that we don't trust on the curving downslope into our 'hood, so our faboo friend Mike brought him home and dropped him at the entrance to the 'hood. Brian walked home from that point, and made it back in one piece. Needless to say, we're in for the remainder of the day! And, rather than get anything truly useful done, here I sit, blogging away. Isn't it ironic that on a day like today, when I'm stuck at home and could get all kinds of stuff done, I don't feel like doing a darn thing?

Went to my young niecelets' birthday party yesterday. It was nice to see all the familial peeps, and a good time was had by all. The cake was delish, and I got a big blue frosting rose, which turned my tongue dark blue! It was pretty cool. :) It's always nice to see my brother, and it doesn't happen nearly often enough. I kind of feel like we've drifted apart over the years and don't have the relationship I'd like us to, but hope springs eternal. I feel very strongly about the importance of family ties, and I hope that once we live in Springfield, my brother and I can grow closer and develop a deeper fraternal bond. I also really want our kids to be close and to grow up together. That's something I never had as a child - extended family around me - and I really want it for Nick. Nothing is more important, in my book.

Last night, I went and visited my friend Rebecca and saw her gorgeous new son, Jack Andrew. Stupidly, I forgot my camera! He's truly beautiful, with a head full of dark hair and such well-formed little features. I held him for a long time, during which he never woke up. But, right before I left, they finally got him to wake up long enough to show me his lovely dark eyes. He's a keeper! And so far, his big brother, Cooper, seems to like him. :) They're a great family, and I'm so happy for them. Rebecca's mom is here for a couple of weeks helping out, which I'm sure is a great comfort to Rebecca! It'll be nice when she starts coming to playgroup again and brings the baby - she'll have plenty of baby-holders to give her a break! :)

As per usual when I go to Springfield, I ate like crap and didn't exercise for 3 days, but also as usual, I'm back on it today. That's the key - even if I get off-track for 2 or 3 days, I just have to make sure to get back on the horse, and then I'm fine. I really hope I can at least lose a pound this week - I really need some progress to keep me motivated!

How was YOUR weekend?


Patty O. said...

I like your gnome. How cute. Sorry I have been so incommunicado lately. Bil has been sick since I got home from Texas (which was about a week ago) and so I have been trying to help him get better, while also taking care of the kids without much of a break. Plus, I have been pretty tired. I thought I was coming down with something (I have been congested) but after working out today I feel much more energized, so maybe I was sluggish because I hadn't worked out since Friday. That is pretty cool because it means working out really does make me feel better. Anyway, I am so proud of how well you bounce back in your diet and exercise regime. This week when I had a bad eating day, you were actually my inspiration to not give up. Thanks! And thanks for the great V-Day card and e-card. With Bil being sick, I almost forgot about V-Day. I better get to the store this week and buy something!!!

Christie said...

I dig the gnome! Andy hates gnomes, but I love them. They're so weird and kitschy. I especially enjoy the wee little binoculars on your gnome!