Thursday, February 14, 2008

happy love day!

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone. It's not a holiday I care too much about, though I do love the color red, and candy and chocolate are nothing to sneeze at, either. Brian and I exchanged cards, and we're planning to go out to dinner tomorrow night. That's about it, but it's nice.

I'm beside myself, because I finally left the house today, for the first time since Sunday!!!! Never have taking Nick to preschool, going to the fitness center, going grocery-shopping, or renting movies been so exciting. The kiddies had a little V-Day party today in preschool. They got to frost and besprinkle their own cupcakes, and they exchanged Valentines (or, in Nick's case, "Valentimes") and got some candy. So, he's been hopped up on sugar all morning, which might help to explain the incident that I'll tell you about in a moment.

We rented "The Queen" and "A Mighty Heart" for us, and "Shrek" and "Babes in Toyland" (the live-action one) for Nick. I'll let you know what we think!

So, with Nick, there's never a dull moment, and you just never know what's going to spring forth from his mouth. For instance, today whilst he was having his lunch, I innocently began to whistle (quite tunefully!), whereupon he exclaimed "Mom - don't whistle while I'm eating!"

But that's nothing. Because today in the commissary, he pointed to a nearby woman and shouted "Mom! She's a GIRL! She has a va-GI-na!" I'm not pulling your leg. I know it's a cliche, but it really did happen. Luckily, the woman had a well-developed sense of humor, so it was much less mortifying than it might have been. Frankly, I thought it was very funny, but I had to keep the extent of my amusement under wraps. See, the other day, Nick asked me if I had a penis, and I wasn't going to lie, so one thing led to another, and I had to let the word "vagina" out of the bag. Mind you, I never would have taught him this word yet if he hadn't pressed the issue. I took pains to explain to him that we only talk about penises and vaginas at home, and not out in public, but I knew (I just KNEW!) that this knowledge of his would come back to haunt me sooner or later. Turns out, it was sooner!

So far, my V-Day has been much more about vaginas than Valentines. :)


Amber said...

OMG, how funny!
Zara knows all about penises and vaginas too, although we haven't had a mortifying public explaination...yet! I just know it's only a matter of time as she is quite fascinated by the idea of how her baby sister is going to be born and got the info out of me as to where the baby will exit. When our moment of public embarrassment comes I will be sure to share it with you.

Congrats on getting out of the house. I must say I am really liking the mild weather of South Texas, Z ate a popcicle outside in her underwear this afternoon.

Patty O. said...

Wow, Eve Ensler would be proud! Talk about a V-day! That is so funny. My sister has recently had a talk with her son about body parts and he spends quite a bit of time asking, "What does grandpa have? What does Pat-Pat (that's what he calls me) have? A penis or Gina?" And of course he always asks quite loudly.

It is funny that we can talk openly about our livers, hearts, and other body parts, but not so much with our genitals. I guess it has something to do with their various functions, all of which should be private matters....