Tuesday, February 5, 2008

my fave new filling snack

I really like McDonald's fruit & yogurt parfait, and wanted to come up with something similar at home, and I did! If you put 1/2 cup Dannon Light & Fit vanilla yogurt and 1/2 cup frozen or fresh mixed berries in a bowl and sprinkle it with 1/8 cup Kashi Go Lean cereal, you've got a healthy, substantial, delicious snack for under 100 calories!! Try it...you'll like it.

1 comment:

Patty O. said...

That actually sounds good and I am not the hugest yogurt fan. I think I will try it. How are you doing? Sorry to hear about your friend leaving soon. That has to be a big bummer.

How is the potty training going? How do you get Nick to go poop on the potty? We are still at an impasse in that arena...