Saturday, February 23, 2008

my son's steel-trap, slumber-proof brain

So, we have been using this sticker chart to motivate Nick to poop on the potty. After every five poops, he has been getting a prize. Last night, he completed his chart, and we have officially retired it - he's a bona fide, card-carrying potty-pooper! This morning, we took him to the Dollar Tree to pick out a few items for his final prize, and one of his choices was this 5-pack of chocolate lollipops. He was, of course, rather excited about them, and wanted one immediately. I told him "no" and said he could have one later. He kept asking throughout the day, and we said he could have one after his nap. We put him down for his nap at 2:30, and at 5:00 (!), I finally went into his room to wake him up. I softly said his name, and he groggily lifted his head up and immediately said "Now can I have one?" :) It killed me!

In other news, my Dad's visit today was very pleasant. After the Dollar Tree (where I found a cute kitchen towel to fuel my odd obsession), we had a cheap-o lunch courtesy of the Wendy's 99-cent menu (gotta love that!) and proceeded to the commissary for our customary shopping trip. It was really crowded, but we made it through in one piece. After putting Nick down for his nap, I played chess with Dad, and he thoroughly kicked my butt! He's really sneaky-good. And since I'm a beginner still, I basically don't have a chance against him. After Nick woke up and had his lollipop, we went to dinner at Cracker Barrel, after which Dad left for Springfield. Now, we're sitting here listening to the Lawrence Welk show. Well, Brian and I are listening, while Nick runs around in a sugar-rush-induced blur (we had some chocolate cake after dinner).

All-in-all, a lovely day!


Patty O. said...

Nick is great! It reminds me of Danny. we call him our treat sniffer, because if there is a treat in the house, he can always find it and he never forgets about it. Last year he found some Peeps we hid in a really ingenious spot (I thought) I have no idea how he found them.

Sounds like you had a nice weekend. It is so cool how close you are to your dad!

Patty O. said...

I love what you said about the strength training class and not being able to wipe yourself. It reminds me of when I was at school in Utah and went downhill skiing. I could not gte my bra on the next day, my arms and shoulders were that sore.

You are going to be so buff for summer, though!

Patty O. said...

I love what you said about the strength training class and not being able to wipe yourself. It reminds me of when I was at school in Utah and went downhill skiing. I could not gte my bra on the next day, my arms and shoulders were that sore.

You are going to be so buff for summer, though!