Thursday, February 21, 2008

deja vu

Well, we're having some more winter weather, so once again, Nick and I are staying home from preschool and the fitness center. His preschool wasn't cancelled, and right now, the roads aren't too bad, but I didn't want to risk it. There's supposed to be more precip moving in, and I wouldn't want to take him to preschool, only to have conditions become really treacherous by the time I have to pick him up at 11:30. So, another boring morning at home it is!

Normally, I don't wish for spring to come, because spring is the gateway to my least favorite season: summer. This winter, however, I wish spring would get here posthaste! I'm really getting sick of being stuck at home and having stuff cancelled!

1 comment:

Patty O. said...


It was so great to talk to you this morning. Thanks for the much needed validation and pep talk! I know what you mean about not wishing for spring normally. Right now, I would rather have the sweltering heat of summer than this wintry cold. And that is saying a lot, because I loathe being hot and sweaty. At this point, however, I am so tired of being in the house. I would so love to go for a walk or watch the kids play at the park...anything to get out of this blasted house. Today, at least I have managed to use my time wisely and cleaned and mopped til I could clean and mop no more. Unfortunately, I still have several dirty rooms in the house to get to.... Cheer up and I will pray for better weather for you and me.