Friday, February 15, 2008

i hereby officially...

....surrender any pretense of understanding this whole weight-loss thing. Don't get me wrong - I'm ecstatic at my freakish loss this week, but I just don't get it! There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason - any science at all - to it. Maybe the small amounts of strength-training I've been doing for the past few weeks really have boosted my metabolism. Needless to say, I'm on cloud 9, as I've suddenly jumped into the 160s. Yay! And to celebrate, I will go out to dinner with my husband tonight and eat until I have to undo my pants. :)


Patty O. said...

Wow, I am impressed. But I do think some of this is probably from those weeks where you worked really hard and didn't lose anything. This supports my theory that if you persist, over time, it all evens out (some weeks, no loss, others, freakish loss, etc.) Way to go. Have a good time with Brian tonight!

Anonymous said...

4.5 pounds! OMG! You're almost at your goal weight! I can't remember the last time I saw the 160's...Did you enjoy getting out of the house today? Cooper has just about gone insane from staying inside. HOpe to get out next week-can't believe I'm excited at the porspect of going to Wal-Mart.:)
