Tuesday, February 12, 2008

i need to rant!

I am so frustrated and blue! We got lots of ice/sleet yesterday, so there was no playgroup and Nick and I didn't leave the house. One day was boring, but do-able. Well, school was cancelled today, so there was no fitness class this morning (If there's no school, they automatically cancel classes at the fitness center.), and I didn't take Nick to preschool - even if it was still in session (I didn't bother to find out.), the roads here are still terribly treacherous, since it has been way too cold today for any sort of melting. To get out of our 'hood, you have to take an uphill curve, and it's just not worth risking. It's now 5 p.m., and I'm about to go insane. Nick and I have just been sitting in the house for two days, being bored and stir-crazy. And rather than getting anything useful done, I haven't felt like doing anything at all! Today during Nick's nap, I just flopped on my bed and watched TV and read. Well, I just found out that school is cancelled again tomorrow, so again, there will be no fitness class!! And it's supposed to warm up a bit tomorrow, but I still wouldn't risk going anywhere until later in the day, if at all. So, I'm looking at day 3 of being stuck at home. I think I'm going to lose my mind! I feel so down because I don't get to go to my fitness classes, and I doubt I'll lose any weight this week. Yes, I can walk and ellipse here at home, but it doesn't give me near the workout that the classes do. And I need to get groceries and go to the library, and I'm just getting major cabin fever! To get to work, Brian has been hiking up out of our 'hood and getting picked up on the main road that leads to our 'hood by a friend, and today when he walked home, he fell three times because the roads are still just sheets of ice. Sometimes, I really hate these MO winters!!! I just needed to get on here and vent my frustration. I think I'm done. For now.

1 comment:

Patty O. said...


We are in day two of canceled school, so I feel your pain. The roads are really icy, and it is very cold here. Still, I was so bummed when I found out school was canceled yet again. Bil is still home sick and I am totally bored and tired of being at home with no break. I finally took the kids to Wal-Mart today just to get out of the house. By the late morning, the roads were pretty good, and I don't have the same issues getting out of my neighborhood that you do, but I know what you mean about being stir-crazy. This morning, I just thought, "what are we going to do all day? what in the world am I going to do to keep these kids somewhat occupied?"

They keep bickering and fighting over toys, and just generally picking on each other and it is driving me crazy. Doesn't help that Charlotte has taken to screeching in a high-pitched scream when she doesn't get her way. I swear I heard the neighbor's dog howl one time when she screeched.....

I don't remember ever pining for Spring with this much yearning.