Saturday, August 4, 2007

well, color me discouraged

I'm pretty darn downtrodden right now, because I GAINED a pound this week! I've been working my butt off exercising, feeling really good about it, and I was positive that I would see the fruit of my labor when I stepped on the scale. Gah! Why is it so hard? I mean, if I was maintaining my weight for the past 3 years while doing no exercise whatsoever, doesn't it make sense that if I went from doing no exercise to doing about 45 mins. a day, I would lose weight? It just makes me feel like it's all for naught, and I might as well give up. I'm not going to give up, but right now, I sure feel like it. In the past, this has always been the point where things have gone downhill - when I've worked so hard and been sure that I had lost weight, but then hadn't. I'm the kind of person that really needs a concrete reward for my efforts, ya know? I need tangible evidence that what I'm doing is actually accomplishing something. Now, I know all the arguments - even if I haven't lost weight, I'm certainly more healthy and fit; I might have gained muscle; maybe I've lost inches but no weight....but the fact remains that I have a lot of weight to lose, and so far, nothing has really happened! I'm not asking for some huge weight loss - just 1-2 lbs. a week would thrill me to no end. But to gain a pound during a week when I've been working my butt off is just so insulting. Harrumph. Grrrr. Sigh.

Sorry for the ranting and venting, but then, I guess that's what my blog is for. I could really use some encouragement right now to help me keep going. Has anyone else had a similar experience? Please, someone, say something positive and hopeful, and tell me that my efforts WILL pay off! Thanks...


Patty O. said...


I so feel your pain. I have been there time and again. One thing I have learned from this weight loss endeavor is that usually when I have been working hard and eating sensibly, if I gain a pound or so, usually the next week I lose like3 or 4 pounds, which says to me that I hadn't actually gained that week. It was probably some water weight or bloating. I read the greates article a couple of years ago (I wish I had kept it) that outlined all these factors that can make it look like you gained weight when you step on the scale. Having eaten food high in sodium the day before can make you retain water. One really interesting one is that when it is overcast or raining, the barometric pressure can make you "gain" a pound or so. I know that sounds crazy, but I have paid attention and sure enough, when I weigh myself on cloudy or rainy days, I often weigh more. Also, don't forget your cycle. You can retain water not just when you are PMS-ing, but other times as well.

OK, that being said, don't give up. Sometimes it is slow going at first. I don't know if it our body's defense mechanism or what, but I would be willing to bet that next week you will totally see a loss. Also, I hear a lot of experts say to pay more attention to how your clothes fit than how much you weigh.

I know how much it sucks to step on the scale after working so hard and to be so disappointed, but don't give up. You should be so proud of how much work you have done!!!!

J said...

Maybe you didn't gain fat weight. If you're working out and such, you might be starting to rebuild muscle mass and that weighs something too. So, don't be discourage. Maybe instead of just weighing yourself, you should try measuring yourself. That might be more telling.

And we women tend to go up and down also with water weight due to hormonal changes.

Besides, the very fact that you're so dedicated is a great thing. It's really more about being healthier in the end and you're on the right track. It's inspiring!
