Tuesday, August 7, 2007

i've had a bad day

I hate to be Negativa, queen of Pessimismos, but that's just who I am right now. For one thing, I have totally lost my voice - my mild cold seems to have led to laryngitis. It sucks! For another thing, I took Nick to a preschool developmental assessment today, and it was horrible. He was totally spazzy and unable to sit still, focus, and do what they wanted him to. That, coupled with my lack of voice, was just too much for me. And all day since then, he's been really disobedient and contrary, and I can't even take a firm tone with him! :) So, I'm bummed. I had to schedule a re-screening, but I really don't believe it will be any better. This is always how he's been. Sometimes, I really wonder if he has ADD. I know that sounds extremist, but as time goes by and I see his behavior and I read stuff about it, he rather fits the profile. We've enrolled him in preschool - just 2 days a week, 3 hours a day. It starts in two weeks. I'm really concerned about how he'll do in that environment. I can just see him being the kid who is spazzy and unfocused and won't sit in his chair and actually cooperate with anything. I hope he proves me wrong; or at least, if he starts that way, I hope that after a while he settles in and improves. Today, I'm just really worried about it and concerned for him. I know I just need to take a deep breath and not freak out or get all maudlin about it, but that's easier said than done. Oh, and did I mention that I'm hungry? :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your bad day. I know what it is like to have a spazzy kid, that is for sure. Some days it is so depressing and others it is really embarassing. Danny has a really hard time with screenings and those sorts of tests, so he always tests lower than he is. It is frustrating, because I know he can do better than that.

Is Nick able to sit and concentrate on a task when the atmosphere is calm and not too distaracting? I ask because typically kids with ADHD (at least this is my understanding) can't sit still no matter what, even if it is an activity they enjoy. Whereas, kids who are prone to overstimulation can sit still and do quite well when not overstimulated. It could be that Nick just needs a few tweaks to his environment and then he would do well.

I am not saying that nick has what Danny does, but actually sensory stuff affects everyone, so learning about it really can help any kid, I think. For example, some people who get really stressed out exercise to manage their stress. That is kind of like dealing with sensory stuff. For Danny, if he is going to be in a stressful situation like being tested, it really helps to have him exercise a lot to get rid of some excess energy beforehand. Then he is much more able to sit still and concentrate. Lisa Uthell went to a seminar about the differences between boys and girls and interestingly enough all the activities the speaker suggested were ones that would also help sensory integration dysfunction. Boys need lots of movement in order to be able to focus and he thinks that is why so many boys are diagnosed with ADHD.

Maybe I should just email you. This is getting long. Please take heart. From what i have seen of Nick and what you have told me, it doesn't sound like ADHD. But if it is, thank goodness there are treatments. I know how stressful it is. Keep your chin up. You are a fabulous mother!!!!