Tuesday, July 31, 2007

wow - 10 years!

Today is our "unofficial" 10th anniversary! We got married legally on this date, because Brian needed the lead time to acquire "married housing" and facilitate my move to Japan to live with him on the Army base. Our actual wedding was on Oct. 4, and I joined him in Japan towards the end of November 1997.

Anywho, we don't normally celebrate this date very much, but because this is the 10th, this anniversary seems more special than most. We exchanged cards, and Brian totally surprised me with a very pretty necklace - the sweetie! The pendant is pink, which was very well thought out by him, since I wear a lot of pink tops. We spent most of this morning in bed with Nick, watching Mary Poppins. We both agreed that it really doesn't get much better than that.

As do all marriages, ours has had its share of ups and downs, and even some really difficult times. In some ways, we got married for a lot of the wrong reasons, and many thought our union was questionable at best (us included, sometimes!). But, we've persevered and discovered that in the most important ways, we really are meant for each other and totally compatible. We feel like a team, and Brian is (to quote Dr. Phil) my "soft place to fall." It's so wonderful to know that I have him to come home to, and with Nick, we've created a wonderful little family of our own. I'm proud that we've always come through the tough times and stayed together, and after this many years together, I'm still happy to see him every day, and we don't get tired of each other.

We've created a certain comfort, stability, and security with each other that I don't take for granted, as I know that many people haven't found this in their lives. We have our own jokes, quirks, nicknames, and vocabulary, and we know all each other's weirdnesses. :) We see eye-to-eye on things like finances, decorating, and other things that some couples bicker over. Brian treats me so well, and I know that he would do anything for me. I mean, how many husbands give their wives a footrub and backscratch pretty much every night? He's an amazing father, and it fills me with love to see how he is with our son. He never begrudges me time away or time for myself, and he definitely carries his weight in the housework department. He's a man of honesty, integrity, and honor, and I'm so lucky to have stumbled upon him on the Internet all those years ago, before it was even fashionable! :) Even during hard times, when we're fighting or distant from each other, I don't consider the D-word, and I never worry that he would leave me. I know that we're in this together and that we both want to preserve what we have and keep building on it.

On this day, 10 years into our marriage, I just want to say how much I love him and how I can't wait to see how the next 10 years unfold! Happy 10th Anniversary, Mack

1 comment:

Patty O. said...

Wow, that is so great, Amy! I am glad you are so happy and the Brian is so good to you. How refreshing to have a woman regale her friends with tales of how great her husband is. It is rare! more often than not, I hear women bashing their husbands about the dumbest things and it makes me ashamed of how much I take Bil for granted. Congratulations on doing what so few couples are able to do in America--sticking it out and growing more in love.