Friday, August 24, 2007

i'm out of the twos!!! i'm into the ones!!!

I'm simply beside myself, because I have lost 2.5 pounds this week, and I now weigh 198.5, the first time I've been in the "ones" in 4 years. It feels so incredible. And it was totally unexpected, because I didn't feel like I'd been very "good" this week, especially considering my pig-out at Applebee's on Sunday. Maybe there IS something to the theory that if you pig out one or two days a week, it "revs up" your metabolism so that you burn even more calories, even when your eating goes back to normal. Maybe I should pig out every Sunday! :)

Brian says that he can see the weight-loss, but I'm a bit dubious about that. I don't really feel like I look any thinner, and my clothes still feel the same. I think that when you're starting at 206, you have to lose considerably more than 7.5 lbs. for it to start showing. But, it's very sweet of him to say that, nonetheless. He's been so supportive of me, just like always.

In other news, I think that Nick has given up his paci, just like that, totally out of the blue! He still uses (used) it only when sleeping, and it really didn't bother me that much, as it stayed in his crib. I had started thinking, though, that it was really time to let it go, so I hadn't bought any more new ones. Well, he was using his last one, and it was looking pretty gross. When he woke up yesterday morning, I said "You know, your paci is getting pretty gross, and we don't have any more. I think it might be time to think about letting it go soon, because you're a big boy, and you don't really need it anymore." I had no intention of making him give it up right away - I was just trying to plant a seed. Well, he said "OK - I'll throw it away!" and proceeded to plop it in the trash, just like that! I said "Are you sure?" and he said "Yes." When he took his nap yesterday and went to bed last night, he asked about it, but he wasn't upset at all, and I just said "Remember? You threw it away because you're a big boy." He was just like "Oh, OK!" and was totally fine. He slept just fine without it. It's so funny - I was expecting the giving up of the paci to be this big, drawn-out affair, fraught with consternation, and instead, it happened almost as an afterthought. Kids can be so astounding sometimes!

I have to go and clean my kitchen. I've been giving my whole house a really good cleaning this week, and I just have the kitchen left. Then, the whole place will be fabulously clean, if only for a fleeting moment. I'm looking forward to next week, when I can just relax while Nick is at preschool, instead of rushing home and feverishly cleaning my house the whole time!

Over and out...


Patty O. said...

Man, I just typed this really long comment and somehow lost it. Dang. Well, needless to say, I am completely overjoyed with your 7.5 weight loss. You are doing so well!!!!!! Good job! I am really impressed. You know, it takes a lot of hard work and determination to lose weight. Keep it up.

And I wouldn't be surprised if Brian can notice a difference. In my experience, it always seems like other people notice the loss well before it registers to you, the one who has lost it. Maybe it is because we look at our bodies differently than others. Who knows. I am so grateful, though, that you are sharing your experiences. I really look forward to hearing how it is going. In fact, this is the fourth time I have checked your blog today because I knew it was your weigh-in.

Have a great weekend.

Amber said...

Congratulations on your loss! You are doing awesome.

Exciting news about the paci, perhaps there is hope for my little addict, lol.

I hope you are having a great weekend!