Friday, August 31, 2007

i'm feeling disappointed

Well, I only lost 1/2 of a pound this week. I know that I should just be happy that I'm still moving in the right direction, but after losses of 3 and 2.5 lbs., .5 just seems pretty lame. I really thought/hoped I'd lose more! I've been working out quite faithfully, and am in fact very sore today. I had really hoped that in 6 weeks' time, my loss would be at more like 10 or 12 lbs. rather than 8. Oh, well. I just have to keep my resolve up and hope for a better week this time. Patty, please come to my aid with some commiseration and words of wisdom and encouragement!

Not much else to say today. I sort of feel like I'm getting a cold yet again, which is just utterly crappy. I mean, I never get sick! And here I am, getting sick again on the heels of the Great Voice Loss of 2007. :) It's weird. What's up with my immune system?

I'm really not in as bad a mood as this post would suggest. Sorry if it was a downer! It's a pretty slow day for news...

1 comment:

Patty O. said...


sorry for the delay. We just got back from Chicago today. Please don't be disappointed. You are going in the right direction!!! Yay! I know it feels like it is taking forever (I feel the same way) but imagine how you will feel this time next year when you have lost a whole bunch of weight. You will be so incredibly grateful that you didn't give up. OK, I am going to read your next blog and see what that's about.