Monday, August 20, 2007

back home

Well, I'm back from Springfield, after a nice weekend. I got a fresh haircut, spent lots of time with Tim and my Dad, and even ran into a couple of old college friends whom I hadn't seen in years! I got a new pair of jeans at JCPenney and some neat stuff at the 1 Spot in Target. And my solos went well on Sunday. Not what I would consider my absolute best, but fine by everyone else's standards. And, I got my money, so that's what really matters. :) And the capper to the weekend was a rip-roarin' dinner with Tim, Dad, my sister, and my two teen nieces. We were so ridiculous and loud and immature that I'm sure the whole restaurant hated us. :) God, it was fun. Good times. What life is all about, really.

I didn't eat very angelically while I was there, which I had realized would happen. Actually, it was really only yesterday that I totally blew it, when we had dinner at Applebee's. But, I'm back home with no plans to return to Springfield for several weeks, so I'm ready to buckle down and be "good" again.

Nick had his preschool developmental RE-screening today, which thankfully went way better than the first one. It would seem that the environment made all the difference. Whereas the first screening had millions of kids everywhere and lots of distractions, this one was a private appointment, one-on-one with the screeners, in a closed office. And apparently, he did great. (I wasn't in the room.) The main screener emerged afterwards and said "He's such a hoot!" I just love it that other people think my son is a hoot. That's the best endorsement I could think of!


Patty O. said...

Nick IS a hoot. I am glad the screening went better than the last one. I am also glad the atmosphere was more conducive to focusing. Kids are so easily distracted (heck, I am easily distracted--I swear I have the attention span of a 5-year-old) and I am sure the schools and testers know that. I am glad your weekend went well too. If it makes you feel any better, I completely and totally blew my diet. Let's just say I had a run-in with some homemade chocolate chip cookie dough and the dough won!

Good luck tomorrow with Nick's first day of school. Let me know how it goes.

Amber said...

Yay for the better screening. I agree, Nick IS a hoot! I am so sad that the sickies kept us from visiting. I hope Nick's 1st day of preschool is awesome!