Tuesday, August 21, 2007

nick is officially a preschooler!

The first day of preschool was a success! I got Nick this cute little Cars soft-side lunchbox - not to hold lunch, but to hold Pull Ups, wipes, and a change of clothes. It's just the right size. He's very fond of it, and clutched it proudly this morning as we made our way to preschool. I paused to take some pics of him before we left. One of these days, when I get around to it, I will share said pics with you.

He was momentarily concerned when he realized that I was going to leave him there, but he quickly got over that and jumped into the fray. His teachers are Miss "Ula" (Ursula, a German lady), Miss Meranda, and Miss Trinesha. They seem nice, and the classroom is really neat and full of fun stuff.

While Nick was busy being a preschoolian, I went home and actually cleaned part of my house! It felt so good. I don't know that I've ever let my home get quite this dusty before. But, by the end of the week, it'll be all clean again, God willin' and the crick don't rise. :)

When I went back to get him, he did NOT want to go! That's always a good sign. While he didn't use the potty during preschool, he did ask to use it as we were leaving, so I took him into the restroom, where he went pee-pee on the potty! Whoo hoo! Baby steps. I will be absolutely thrilled if he ever actually tells his teachers he needs to go potty.

On the ride home, Nick regaled me with tales of preschool life, including playing with trains and trucks, singing "Three Little Monkeys," and having apple juice and animal crackers. During snack time, he revealed to me, "the pink kid spilled." He has a habit of referring to people by the color of their clothes, something that has caused some embarrassing moments when he has called attention to someone wearing black. Out of the mouths of babes!

When we got home, Nick decided that a screening of Cars would be the perfect way to unwind after a hard morning's work. And now, he's napping, so I'm blogging...

1 comment:

Amber said...

Yay Nick! I bet he'll be using the potty like a pro after seeing the other kids. How nice for you to have a bit of free time as well. Sounds like a great experience all around!