Saturday, September 1, 2007

you take the good, you take the bad

As you can see, I have amended yesterday's weigh-in. Last night, I went back and looked at Thursday's food journal (the day before the weigh-in), and realized that my sodium intake was sky-high. Usually, it's within the proper limits, but for whatever reason, I just happened to choose foods on Thursday that added up to a whole lotta sodium. So, I wondered if my .5-lb. loss was just a function of water retention. I decided to break my weigh-in rule (Thou shalt not weigh more than once a week!) and weigh myself again this morning. I was right! I weighed 197 rather than yesterday's 198. I decided that I would take the liberty of changing yesterday's weight to 197. :) So, a 1.5-lb. loss is way more palatable. Go, me!

Yesterday, we went to Cracker Barrel for dinner, but I was really proud of myself. I chose a salad with fried chicken in it. Yes, the chicken was fried, but I very mindfully chose to "sin" in that fashion. To counteract that, I got my shredded cheese on the side and only sprinkled a small amount on the salad. Also, I gave several pieces of the chicken to Nick and Brian, along with half of the hard-boiled egg. I eschewed croutons. And I mixed full-fat and non-fat ranch dressing to make my own lite dressing, and used my best calorie-control trick of all: Don't put the dressing on your salad. Rather, dip your fork in it before spearing each bite of salad. You'll get a taste of dressing with each bite, but you'd be absolutely amazed at how little dressing you end up using! You should try it if you haven't already. The salad was really good, and when I was done, I felt satisfied, but not overly full.

Here are a couple more pictures for your viewing pleasure -

That was the good. The bad is that I am now afflicted by yet another full-blown, miserable cold. Gah! It's just unfair. I guess this is what's going to happen to me now that Nick's in preschool. I'm going to go back to bed...


Patty O. said...

Whoohoo. good job! Yes, sodium is not a dieter's friend. I try really hard to eat very little sodium the night before weigh-in.

Take care

Anonymous said...

I've never been sicker than when Jillian started preschool, seemed like we got everything going around for several months.