Wednesday, May 6, 2009

so, this is 35

Well, I'm 35 now. Hmmm. Don't love the number (or the wrinkles), but I still feel like I'm about 25. And according to Rebecca, I have Linda Hamilton (in Terminator) arms. :) So maybe the arms cancel out the wrinkles somehow - that's a comforting thought!

I've gotten so many cards, Facebook wishes, emails, and phone calls that I'm feeling very warm, fuzzy, and loved right now. I have the best family and friends! You all know who you are, and I love you.

Not really doing anything special for my Bday. Brian gave me a card and some mint chocolate truffles this morning, but other than that, my day has been pretty ordinary. I am teaching my class tonight at the gym, just like any Wednesday. I guess you reach a point where birthdays are just no big whoop (BTW, Rebecca - your card is a SCREAM! Every time I read it, I laugh out loud. Thanks for that!). OK - now that I said that, I guess I should share, so you're not all like "What is so funny about this card? What does it SAY?" So, it's got a picture of a doleful-looking basset hound wearing a party hat on the front, with a thought bubble that says "It's your birthday. Whoop-dee-freakin'-do." Then on the inside, it says "When they took his testicles, they took his spirit." :) :) :) If that's not funny, then I don't know what is.

Happy Birthday to me!


Rebecca said...

Glad you liked the card. :) When I read it in the store I busted out laughing and I'm sure all the people around me thought I was quite mentally unstable. Glad your class went so well-now you will have your students wondering every week what wacky stunt you're going to pull.:) Nice to see the sunshine, huh?

Amber said...

LOL! That is funny!
For what's it worth you don't look anywhere near 35.