Monday, May 4, 2009

it's certainly been a day

Today is.....different. First of all, I'm exhausted. I haven't been sleeping very well lately, and I'm not sure why. I keep tossing and turning and just generally not sleeping. And last night, the overly bright clock display on our new VCR/DVR didn't help. Ack!

This morning was marred by a (thankfully brief) scare about my Dad. The man is 73 and lives alone, and my siblings couldn't get ahold of him, on either of his phones, this morning. You have to understand that this is very unusual, and caused us all to jump to the worst kind of conclusion. I was going out of my mind, thinking my Dad was dead! Finally, my sister called to tell me that he had left the house early (unheard of!) to help pack up after a Friends of the Library book sale. And of course, he left his cell phone in his car. He just doesn't get how worried we get if we can't reach him! When my sister told me he was OK, I just started crying with relief. And this was all before noon.

With a much lighter heart, I went to get Nick from preschool, whereupon we ran around signing him up for summer school and then going to a different school (long, boring story) to register him for Kindergarten in the fall. Nick was very good while I filled out the endless paperwork, so I treated him to lunch at Wendy's. Oh, I also found out that I did win something at the carnival auction after all, since the winner turned it down and I was next in line: 4 tickets to the St. Louis Museum of Transportation for $10! This place is very cool - we've been once before, and Nick loved it. So, we will definitely make use of those tickets.

Now, here I sit while Nick naps, and I'm really hitting the wall and wishing I could just curl up and sleep for a good long time. I only hope that I'll be so tired tonight that I'll sleep well. Wish me luck!


J said...

I'd be freaked out about that with your dad too! Silly Art! Glad to hear he's doing fine though. Your dad is the best.

Have you tried Melatonin? Sometimes that helps with sleep. Your cycle might just be off a bit. As for the bright display, throw a towel over it. That'll help with that. Of course, having a tv in the bedroom isn't a good idea in general if you have any sort of sleeping problems, so my dr. tells me.

Hope things get better for you. :-)

Amber said...

Whew, that was quite a day.

May I just say once more how jealous I am that your big kid still naps. I'm pretty sure Zara is going to do afternoon Pre-K this fall just so I can have some afternoon rest!