Wednesday, May 20, 2009

another day, another episode

So, I was hoping that this would be the day when I would feel much better. I had such high hopes when I woke up! I took stock, thinking, well, I'm a bit tired, but I feel generally OK. I got out of bed, put some clothes on, and went in the kitchen to make my breakfast. As I was making it, I was feeling a little nauseated. Sometimes I feel mild nausea when I'm hungry, so I figured that was it. It kept getting worse, though, and I kept having to stop and just lean on the counter during my preparations. By the time I sat down at the table, I entered into a full-blown attack of the most horrible nausea you can imagine. I broke out in a sweat over my entire face and body, and I literally felt like I needed to either barf right that minute or just die - there was no other viable alternative. I hung my head over our "barf bowl", crying and whimpering. (I've mentioned that I'm a total pansy when I feel awful.) Eventually, I began to feel better, and I managed to eat my breakfast. (Never did barf.) I no longer feel nauseated, but I just feel generally weak, tired, and "not right." Grrr. My high hopes have been dashed, once again. I'm really hoping that the nausea is a side effect of the antibiotics, as nausea is actually listed as one of the possibilities. As for the tiredness and weakness, I'm just not sure, though my brother (a drug rep) confirmed for me that I'm taking an awfully high dose of an awfully strong antibiotic. So, even if tiredness and weakness aren't listed, I guess it's possible that in my case, those could be side effects. It would, of course, be highly preferable if all of this is caused by my meds, rather than being indicative of something else wrong with me. When I talked to my doc two days ago, she wanted me to stop the meds three days early (which would be today). This makes me really nervous, as my worst nightmare would be that there are resistant bacteria left in my body which would regroup and cause an even worse infection, but the doctor seems confident that 7 days is plenty to avoid that. Ten days is the gold standard for antibiotics - the CYA duration, if you will, but she thinks that 7 days is more than enough to have eradicated the bacteria. I had been waffling about whether to take her advice or finish the course, but after this morning, I think I'm going to take my chances and take her advice. I just feel like I need to know if it's the meds causing all this, and the sooner I'm off of them, the sooner I'll know and the sooner I will have relief if it IS the meds. Does all this make sense? So, it's a gamble, but I'm going to stop the meds today. I'll let you know what transpires...

After much agonizing, I have also decided to go ahead and teach my class tonight. I know I probably shouldn't, but I really need to get back in there and do something. And since it's a sculpt class, I can always stop doing the reps and just count for my students if I have to. I just really hate to miss two weeks in a row, ya know? And I'm not stupid - I will NOT keep pushing myself if I start to feel terrible. I'll let you know how it goes...

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Sorry to hear you're still feeling ill. Hopefully you will feel better tomorrow if you stoptaking the anitbiotics today. If it was me I would do the same thing. Good luck on class tonight-you're so dedicated.:)