Wednesday, April 9, 2008

today's post

I literally could not think of a better title for my post. Yeah. That's how exciting it's going to be. :) I honestly don't have that much to say, but figured I should say something since it's been a few days.

This morning was kickboxing class (should be called buttkicking class!), and I swear that I sweated way more than I've ever sweated in that class before. I mean, when it was over, I looked as though someone had just thrown a bucket of water at my face and chest. Whew! Felt good, though. Love those kicks and jabs!

After that, Nick and I rushed home where I performed a hasty sponge bath :) and put on some fresh deodorant and knickers, after which we scurried to meet my ex-boyfriend Rick for lunch. It was a nice, leisurely lunch with good convo, though Nick was rather spazzy (what's new?). For awhile there, he went under the table and played on the floor. It was kind of nice! It was almost like he wasn't there, and he was having a great time. :) Hey - whatever works!

Now, here I sit, looking out the window at yet another gloomy day. No rain today, though we have more stormage forecast for tomorrow. Bleah! At least I have a MOPS meeting tomorrow to add some interest to the day.

And......yup - I'm all out of news.

1 comment:

Patty O. said...

That kickboxing class sounds great. Don't you love when you sweat and work so hard. Such a feeling of accomplishment.

Not much new with me. Do have a question for you, though. Do you limit your sugar? I think we have talked about this before....I am thinking I need to start doing that but I know I cannot go cold turkey. I just wondered if you had any strategies.