Saturday, April 5, 2008

hallelujah - the sun!

The sun is FINALLY out, and I'm feelin' frisky! Praise God. Oh, how I needed some bright sunshine to cheer me up. It has had such an effect on me that I even felt like blogging a bit today.

Even though it's old news at this point, I thought I'd share that my singing gig went spectacularly last Sunday. The song went really well at both services. In fact, I can honestly say that I wouldn't have changed a note, and that's very unusual for me - I'm often terribly hard on myself when it comes to my singing. So, what a coup!

The intervening week has been fairly ho-hum, as evidenced by my lack of posting. There just hasn't been anything noteworthy enough to blog about! But, the weekend is off to a good start. Have I mentioned that the sun is shining? :) We took Nick to a fun fair on post this morning, and he had a gay old time. He loved climbing up on the fire trucks and huge Army combat vehicles, and the bounce house was also a big hit. We came home with a big bag of junky toys and candy (why?), which have mostly been thrown away.

Tonight, our friend Mike is coming over for dinner, dessert in hand. I'm looking forward to it! After Nick goes to bed, we three adults (of Orient aren't) are going to watch either Sweeney Todd or Atonement (Mike's choice). Should be a fun evening.

Tomorrow, we're just going to hang around and try to accomplish some domestic tasks. I would imagine we'll also go to the park or something, since it's supposed to be so nice and warm.

Oh, sad news: Thomas and Percy have kicked the bucket. :( It's a shame, but not surprising. We're now trying a Betta. I'll let you know how that goes.

I just had a comment on my blog from an old friend, and it almost knocked me off my chair! It was such a delightful surprise. I haven't seen or talked to Mark since college, so it's been quite a while. He lives in Japan with his wife and children. It's so nice to be in touch with him again. It's a small world after all.

1 comment:

Christie said...

I'm jealous. You get sun...and we get snow.