Sunday, April 27, 2008

fun with son

Nick to me: "I love ya, girl!"

Me: "What was all that crying I heard?"
Nick: "Well, first of all, I bumped my head, and second of all, I spilled my water!"

Yesterday, we took Nick to Miner Mike's, this indoor amusement emporium in Osage Beach. He had a blast, and honestly, so did I! There's this huge "hamster" tube/slide/ball pit network that Nick had a blast exploring, not to mention the small roller coaster, Ferris wheel, and bumper cars. By far, though, everyone's favorite part was the arcade. I must admit that I have a weakness for things like Skee Ball, etc. - anything where you have to have good aim. I won quite a few tickets! But Nick was our little lucky charm of the day. There was a game that was like the wheel on The Price is Right. You pull a lever, and a light starts chasing around the wheel until you hit a button to stop it. At various points around the wheel, you can win anywhere from 5-20 tickets. At two points, though, you can win 250 tickets, and Nick did it! He hit the button at just the right time, and the thing started making all this noise and flashing like crazy. It took the machine forever to spew out all 250 tickets! It was quite the coup. A fun time was definitely had by all. Before leaving Osage Beach, we also did some shopping (of course). We ended up with some new summer tops for me, attractive new shoes for Brian, a new bed pillow for me, etc. Our poor little child completely zonked out during the drive home. It was a really nice familial day, and we were pleasantly tired last night.

1 comment:

Patty O. said...

Sounds like a blast! That's great. I love the stuff Nick says--so funny.

I hope your burn is better. That sounds like quite a nasty injury and a very sensitive spot to boot! Yikes! I would ask you to post a picture, but I doubt you would comply : ) I am going to have Bil take a picture of my hand and I will post it. Sadly, it doesn't look like much. It hurts much worse than it looks, but then I can be a big baby!