Thursday, April 17, 2008

i'm sad

I just received the news that my very good friend Jutta will be moving back to Germany in a mere 6 weeks. I knew that her husband was continually looking for a job there and that they would go back eventually, but I just never expected it to happen this soon or this quickly, and when she told me today, I was completely blindsided. Of course, they're very happy, because Jutta's family is there, and Germany is where they want to live "for good." And I'm happy for them, but I'm taking the news rather hard. Jutta is a true gem among women, and I would be hard pressed to find anyone else quite like her. I have enjoyed her friendship so much, but I still felt like we were just getting started, ya know? Having her in my life has meant so much to me and been so enriching. We'll still talk and email, sure, but we all know that's not the same. Right now, I'm just very sad, and I feel like her departure will leave quite a gaping hole in my life. I'm trying to look on the bright side (vacation in Germany with free lodging!), but that's hard to do right now. And don't even get me started about how much I'm going to miss her delectable baked goods! :) I'm sad for Nick, too - he and Bryan have become good friends and really enjoy playing together. And Nick was starting to pick up some German words and phrases, not to mention the benefit to my own German from being around Jutta. There's just a LOT I'm going to miss about her, like her intelligence, good conversation, moral fiber, sense of responsibility and loyalty, and the fact that we are of one mind in so many ways. Saying aufwiedersehen is going to be very hard to do. :(

1 comment:

Patty O. said...

Oh, Amy, I am so sorry. I know firsthand your pain right now. Doesn't it just sometimes seem like the entire universe is conspiring against you? I feel that way when it comes to friendships, but of course, I am prone to dramatics. I wish I could cheer you up!
BTW, pleurisy is an inflammation of the inner lining of the lungs.....not serious, just uncomfortable.