Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"i have it under control!"

The above post title is one of Nick's favorite phrases lately. :) For example, I'll say "Nick, could you please clean up your toys?" and he'll reply "Sure, Mommy - I have it under control!" He also says "I was just assuming...." a lot, as in "I was just assuming you wanted me to pick a pair of underwear." Little wordsmith! A chip off the youngish block.


Patty O. said...

Wow, he is growing up so fast. I love the things kids say. The other night as I was preparing to read Danny his bedtime story, he came over and said, "I can sit in your lap, if you'd like." Totally cracked me up. Now, he adds, "if you'd like" to many sentences and I love it. So proper!

Patty O. said...

Wow, he is growing up so fast. I love the things kids say. The other night as I was preparing to read Danny his bedtime story, he came over and said, "I can sit in your lap, if you'd like." Totally cracked me up. Now, he adds, "if you'd like" to many sentences and I love it. So proper!