Friday, April 18, 2008

ho hum

It's a yucky, chilly, rainy day here in small-town MO. Nick's usual Friday playgroup was cancelled today, so I had planned to go to the core conditioning class at my gym. However, when Nick woke up this morning, his eyes were quite crusty, a la pinkeye, so I figured I should get him an appointment with the doctor. So, instead of working out, that's what we did.

We arrived at the hospital for his appointment, and I tucked my military I.D. into my front pocket. We traversed the parking lot and walked into the hospital and up to the desk to check out his records, and my I.D. was gone! I found this to be quite stressful, needless to say. We retraced our steps all the way back to the car, but to no avail. I wasn't even sure if I could get his records without my I.D., but it turned out that I could. I called Brian, and he made a call and found out that he would have to go with me to get a new I.D. - what a pain! In the meantime, we had Nick's appointment, and he was prescribed some eye drops - no big whoop. When the nurse asked him how he was doing, he said "Well, my eyeballs have been kind of irritated and pinkish." She said "How old is he?" :) We picked up the eye drops at the pharmacy, and on the way out of the hospital, I checked at the front desk to see if anyone had found and turned in my I.D. Joy! They had it! I did a little happy dance, and we left the hospital. By then, it was rainy and yucky, so I decided to nix the trip to WalMart that I had been contemplating. We just came back home to spend the rest of the morning in the cozy house.

Nick decided he wanted to have a "slumber party", so we put him back in his PJs and I popped some popcorn for him. As I type, he is enjoying his popcorn whilst watching Curious George (the movie). He was quite a trouper when I administered his eye drops!

Later this afternoon, I'll be leaving for Springfield - I'm going solo again, to help Tim celebrate his 33rd birthday. No big plans - just some togetherness and maybe a few martinis and movies, along with a spot of shopping. I'll be coming back home Sunday morning, and plan to take advantage of the glorious weather that afternoon (it's supposed to get up to 80!) by having a family outing to the park - maybe even a picnic! It should be a very nice weekend. I wish the same for you...

1 comment:

Patty O. said...

Nick is so funny. Isn't it crazy that at one point you were worried about his speech? Now look at him!! just goes to show that they develop at their own pace, huh?

Have a great time with Tim. That sounds like a great weekend.