Wednesday, September 19, 2007

as you can see on the sidebar,....

...not only didn't I exercise in Springfield, but my little vacation seems to have been extended. I have such a huge problem with motivation! But, I'm bound and determined to end the vacation this evening. I'm going to do my fave workout video, this dance one with Denise Austin. It's so fun! Wish me luck as I attempt to get back on track...

1 comment:

Patty O. said...

Good luck, Ames, you can do it. It is so tiring sometimes, isn't it? But, well worth it. Sometimes I don't realize how much exercise has helped me, but tonight as I was roughhousing with the kids (jumping on the bed, etc.) I realized I wasn't even out of breath. That floored me and made me glad that I exercise regularly. Not that I don't take a break, but the overall trend is good..... YOu can do it!