Friday, September 21, 2007


I had the weirdest weigh-in this morning. Hopefully I'm not the only one who does this, but I normally weigh myself several times in a row, just to make sure that I keep getting the same reading. Paranoia, I guess. Well, this morning, I stepped on the scale, and it said 191.5 (which would be a 5-lb. loss). My response was to say "What???!!!" (Hence the title of this post.) You have to realize that this was a week where I only exercised 3 days, and mostly didn't keep track of my calories, though I did try to eat sensibly. Still, though, I was shocked. I figured that there was no way that could be right. So, I kept getting off the scale, moving it over a few inches (you know - in case an irregularity in the floor was affecting the reading), and stepping back on. The first 4 times or so, it said 191.5. Then, it said 194! The next 5 or 6 times (by this point, I was totally flummoxed!), it said 192, so I finally gave up and decided that 192 it is. I can't believe that I would have lost so much weight this week, and this makes me wonder if next week's weigh-in is going to "make up" for this week by being very disappointing. We shall see. Has anyone else had an experience like that, where your scale messes with your mind? It said 192 so many times finally that I guess I'll have to believe it. So, I have now (apparently) lost 14 pounds in 9 weeks - whoo hoo! I can't believe that I could be in the 180s soon! This definitely gives me renewed vigor to keep going...

I'm also excited because my Timmy-friend shall be here in a couple of hours, so this day is pretty faboo! He's spending the night and going home tomorrow evening. I have baked an apple pie in his honor, and am planning a craft for us tomorrow - we shall make spiders out of mini-pumpkins. If you're interested, all you do is paint the pumpkin and stem black, poke holes and insert 8 black pipe cleaners (I'm sorry - I just cannot get on board with this whole "chenille stem" crap!) and bend them to make legs, and stick on a pair of googly eyes. That's it! What could be simpler? I don't know what's up with me, but I'm feeling rather crafty this fall. I found another really easy idea for ghosts to line one's walkway, and I might do that in October. They involve wooden dowels, styrofoam balls, cheesecloth, etc. If I do make them, I'll take a pic and let you know how it goes. I'll be sure to take and share a pic of our spiders, too.

You may recall that I mentioned buying a computer desk last weekend in Springfield. Tim is bringing it with him today, and soon, we'll have our computer in our living room instead of the guest bedroom. I have mixed feelings about this. I don't exactly love the look of a computer monitor and printer in the living room, but I have finally gotten so sick of being sequestered every time I'm on the computer that I think I'm ready to compromise. I hate the fact that if I want/need to get online, I have to abandon Brian and Nick and go be alone in the "office", away from my peeps. This way, I can be on the computer and still be in the thick of things, and after Nick goes to bed, Brian can watch TV while I get online, but we'll still be together. So, I think we're really going to like it, once we get used to having the computer in the LR. To do so, we have to sacrifice our futon, which we'll really miss. We actually have it in its open, flat form, and we all love to sprawl upon it. But, something had to give! We'll just store it in the basement - we hope to buy a house when Brian retires that has a huge living room, so that we can fit in both the computer AND the futon! The only other little problem with this new arrangement will be training Nick not to destroy the computer. :) Hopefully, after a few days and some tough love, he'll get the message.

I can't believe that I just went on for so long about moving our computer. Could I BE more boring? I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. :)

We have decided on the darling dragon costume for Nick. I'm so excited! He's very cute in it. I think I'm going to have his portrait taken in it. I know - I'm absurd. :)

We're going to have a cable run into our basement soon, so that I can watch my new fall shows while walking on the treadmill. Yay! Right now, I can only watch DVDs, and that's OK, but it would be nice to get to kill two birds with one stone by exercising and watching my shows at the same time. These shows include Til Death, Grey's Anatomy, Ugly Betty, and Desperate Housewives. I'm also going to check out the new Back to You, Private Practice, and Pushing Daisies. Yes, I know I watch too much TV. And you know what? I'm OK with it! :)

Apparently, I would ramble on all day if I allowed myself. So, I'm going to put an end to this right now! Over and out...


Anonymous said...

Hey, sorry I didn't see you at playgroup today. My ride didn't show up till 10:30 so I figured it was a lost cause. Glad to hear you're moving the desk. Did my suggestion of moving the futon have anything to do with it?:) You'd be happy to know I have slowly but surely added some more zest to my kitchen walls. By the way, I think I have a magazine that features some of the those cute Halloween crafts. Adorable!
Talk to you later,

Patty O. said...

Congratulations on the weight loss!!!! My first thought was not that next week would make up for this loss, but that perhaps this loss makes up for the last two weeks of not really losing. My theory is that some of that weight was from the previous week, but it is now just showing up. That occasionally happens to me, although not as much as 5 pounds.
I haven't been doing too well in losing weight. Last week I only lost .8 pounds, which I guess is better than nothing. But then I was stupid and weighed myslef two days later and according to that weigh-in, I GAINED weight. WHat a pain. I think I am slowly coming to the realization that I finally need to do something about my excessive sugar consumption. I don't think I could ever give it up completely, but it is a sorry state of affairs when I skip my fruit to save points for ice cream. OK, must quit rambling. I love your blogs!!!

Patty O. said...

P.S. Have you rewarded yourself yet for your amazing progress on the weight-loss and exercise front? I really think you should!!!!