Friday, September 14, 2007

my busy week is almost over

First of all, I'm going to use my blog to give a shout-out to two of my favorite peeps in the whole world.

Patty, I love you! You are so steadfast in your reading of and commenting on my blog, and you have no idea how much I appreciate it. And it means so much to me that I have a kindred spirit who appreciates my vocabulary. A lot of people just seem puzzled by it. :) It's a small thing, but it really puts a smile on my face to know that you enjoy reading my blog. I miss you!

Amber, I want to thank you for your comments, too. I feel guilty, because I know that I haven't been very good at keeping in touch with you lately. Please know that it's not for a lack of affection. I really missed you at the meeting yesterday, and felt quite a twinge as I looked at last year's roster and saw your name. You have no idea how much it means to me when I see that you have commented on my blog, and how happy I am that we're still in touch. I do look at your dropshots page often, but I'm just lazy about commenting on it. Mea culpa!

I just love you two, and I wanted to make sure that you know how much you're appreciated and how highly you're regarded by me. I'm so lucky to have friends like you!

OK, on to more mundane things. We went to see my niece play volleyball against the local high school last night. She didn't get much floor-time, which was disappointing, but it was a rousing match, and her high school (my alma mater) thoroughly spanked the local school. Go, team! The annoying part was that we had to pay $4 each to get in to a freshman high school volleyball match! That seems rather extreme, and it got me thinking (and opining to Brian) about the fact that when I was in high school, people never had to pay to get into our choral concerts. What's up with that? The music department needs (and should demand) money, too. It just seems like a rather egregious double standard.

Tonight, I'm going with Rebecca to see the local community theater's production of the comic play "Moon Over Buffalo." I don't know anything about it, but productions I've seen them do in the past have been pretty good for community theater! I'm sure it'll be a fun evening. We're stopping by a cafe beforehand for some libation.

As you can see, my weight-loss has screeched to an almost complete halt. I'm rather discouraged. I started off like gangbusters, but I just can't seem to keep the momentum going, and it's starting to really get me down. :( To make matters worse, I'll be in Springfield over the weekend, so it'll be really hard for me to stick to my diet and exercising. I'll just do the best I can, and then try to get right back in the saddle next week. While in Springfield, I'll be attending a local fall festival, doing some shopping, and getting a haircut. Due to the trip, I probably won't be posting again until next week, so ciao for now!


J said...

I'm confidant you'll get back on track. Personally, it's impressive what you've done so far. And life does get so busy sometimes! I did lots of walking this past week without even having a goal in mind. But since it was so enjoyable, I think it might start to be a daily habit. And soon I'll have a walking buddy again.

Which niece is playing volleyball?

Amy Jane said...

Madeline. Can you believe she'll be 15 next month? Caitlin will be 20 in November, and the little girls are 4 and 7.

Amber said...

Aww, thanks for the love! (((hug)))
I think your weight loss has been awesome and it's better to make lifestyle changes and lose slowly than to lose a lot and wind up gaining it back. Don't get discouraged, you already have accomplished so much!

And yeah, I am with you on the paying to watch sports, $4 is ridiculous! They should just sell concessions for the $ they need.

Patty O. said...

I love you, too. I also really enjoy your blogs. I feel like I get a small glimpse into your daily life and I look forward to reading each new post!

I agree about sports. Why is it that being able to chase a ball is somehow more important than being able to sing an aria, play an instrument, act in a play or paint a picture? It baffles me!

As for the diet front, I myself have begun to come to terms with the fact that I am going to have weeks where I just don't follow the program. And, you know what? that is the only way I can preserve my sanity. Life is for living, not dieting, so don't get too down on yourself. I am going through a similar slump right now. I haven't lost any weight in about a month. Hopefully, I am about to break that plateau soon, but until then, I am trying to quit beating myself up.