Thursday, September 13, 2007

tgif (thank goodness it's fall!!!)

The extent of my love for fall simply cannot be overstated. And this week, I'm beside myself, because for me, this week is truly the first week of fall.

You have to understand something about me. I hate to overuse a phrase, but the extent of my dislike for summer simply cannot be overstated. :) I hate heat, I hate humidity, I hate sweating, I hate bugs, I sunburn like nobody's business, and I won't wear a bathing suit or shorts that go above my knees. In addition, summer means no MOPS, no choir, and not seeing some of my favorite people. So, what's to like? Summer, for me, is like a terrible, hot, muggy exile. It's something that I struggle through, counting the days until glorious fall returns, with its crisp air, tolerable temperatures, lack of humidity and bugs, more flattering fashions, and most importantly - MOPS and choir!! Both of those things started this week, so I'm happy as a clam (Are clams unusually happy? What's up with this simile?).

The first choir rehearsal was nice, and we're doing some pretty Christmas music. I think that a couple of my peeps are going to join me in the choir this fall, so I'm pumped about that. And, I get to sing! Yes, it's only a community choir, but I'll take that over nothing any day.

And the first MOPS meeting was today. What a great time! We have a really fun group of people, and there were 3 zesty new people today (Two of them were there thanks to yours truly.). We played some fun games, which led to a surplus of laughter and jollity. And I was so happy to be back in my element, chatting with my peeps and being the social butterfly that I am. And there were some truly yummalicious snacks today! Of course, I totally blew my diet, but if I only do that two days a month, it's no big whoop. I got the best compliment out of the blue today. One of the other women in MOPS told me that she had read my blog, and she said that I'm a really good writer. That made my day! Listen, people - if you ever think something nice or complimentary about someone, open your mouth and tell them! It's amazing what a great ripple effect that can have. I always try to compliment people whenever I can - it just makes everyone involved feel warm and fuzzy.

So, to sum up, I'm just in a really good mood today. The temps are in the high 70s, I'm back in the swing of things, and life is good. Hope you're feeling the same way!


Patty O. said...

I completely agree about Fall. The weather this week has been glorious and I couldn't be happier about it. In fact, we have been at the park after school the last two days. I just couldn't let the opportunity to enjoy this weather pass.

I love your blog. YOu remind me of all the fun words out there that i neglect to use. I mean, what could be better than "jollity"? I need to use that word!!!

I am glad MOPS is going well for you. We had our first meeting last week and it went well. I am really pumped for this year and determined to make some more friends. Thanks for encouraging me to join this group. These women are so intelligent and, to steal a word from you, zesty!!!

Amber said...

I too feel joy reading your blog. I'm so sad that I'm not one of the zesty peeps at MOPS this year. I miss you tons!