Friday, September 7, 2007

i need my mojo back!

Well, as you can see, I didn't lose anything this week. Drat! I admit that I cheated earlier in the week and weighed myself, and at one point I weighed 196, but today the scale said 197, so that's all she wrote. I'm not really surprised, since I didn't exercise for most of the week due to my illness. I'm really worried, though, because the double-whammy of the two colds has really knocked me for a loop, and I feel like this time, I've totally misplaced my motivation to get back in the saddle and exercise. I did exercise the past couple of days, but it was half-hearted at best. I just don't feel that zest for it anymore, and I need to get it back, fast! Otherwise, I'm afraid that this will end just like all of my other failed attempts at weight-loss: in failure! After so many weeks, I'm disappointed that I haven't even broken the 10-pound barrier. It's just so slow and agonizing, and I'm getting so sick of having to constantly think about what I should and shouldn't eat, counting calories, denying myself, forcing myself to exercise when I don't want to. It's sucking all the joy out of my life! I don't know - maybe I'm hormonal today or something. I'm in a really foul, defeatist mood. If anyone can say anything to snap me out of it, I'd be much obliged. I really feel like throwing in the towel.

In other news, this morning turned into a bit of an adventure. I was mere moments from arriving at playgroup when my cell phone rang. It was my friend Jutta, and she had locked herself out of her house! She couldn't get into her car, either, and she and her son were stuck outside in the pouring rain. So, I diverted from playgroup and went to get her. She finally got someone from the housing office to let her in to her house, and we went inside for our own private playdate. The boys were both total handfuls - pushing, grabbing, yelling, etc. It was exhausting! We had a nice enough visit, but it could have been much nicer if not for the children. :) Nonetheless, she plied me with her wonderful homemade baked goods and some tea. Going to her house is always dangerous, although not as bad as it could be, as Germans bake with much less sugar and oil than Americans. Everything she makes is absolutely delectable, and I always feel pampered when I'm there. Today was no different.

This afternoon, I got to chat with both Rebecca and Tim, so I've had a rather social day. I still just can't seem to shake this funk I'm in! Help!

1 comment:

Patty O. said...


Do NOT give up!!!!!! Yous should really be totally proud of how far you have already come. I am proud of you!!!! I understand how you feel, though. I go through these phases as well. But, I have to tell you that they do come much fewer and farther between now than they ever did. And exercising has become actually fun for me. It has taken a while, but it has happened. I am sure it will happen for you too. I wish I could cheer you up. I also wish I could help yuo see how great an accomplishment losing 7.5 pounds is. It is terrific. You can do it!!!