Monday, September 3, 2007

back from the dead

I've literally been in bed for the vast majority of the past two days, feeling absolutely miserable, but today, I've turned the corner! I woke up this morning and felt so much better! I'm out of bed, and have even been somewhat productive, cutting the boys' hair, processing photos, and doing other little putzy things around the house. One nice thing that I did whilst in bed was to watch The Sound of Music on ABC Family. What a classic. I love Julie Andrews, and Christopher Plummer cut such a dashing figure in that film! :)

Not much to say, really. Just wanted to shout from the rooftops that I'm getting over my blasted cold!!!

Hopefully by tomorrow, I'll be back in the swing of exercising again.


Amber said...

We watched "Sound of Music" yesterday too! I'm sorry you've been sick, but glad to hear you are feeling better.

Patty O. said...

You have had such bad luck with colds lately. That stinks, because really I think it is so much worse to have a cold in the summer than in the winter. Somehow, in the winter, it is expected that one will come down with a cold at one time or another, and the allure of staying in a nice toasty warm bed is so much greater. I am glad you are feeling better.

I love "The Sound of Music!!" So much that I actually own it on VHS (but should really update it to DVD now.)
Take care of yourself.

Patty O. said...

Hey, have you had any problems logging onto this site? I have been experiencing techincal difficulties with blogspot. I guess I should ask Bil...

Patty O. said...

OK, now I feel like I am stalking you!!! BUt I wanted to tell you that I have missed your posts this week. They are really fun to read. I will check again tomorrow to see about your weigh-in. I miss you.