Wednesday, January 30, 2008

storm's a-comin'

Apparently, we might get 5-10" of snow tomorrow. Yippee. For us, it won't be such a big whoop, as we have no big plans to be ruined. Tomorrow night, Brian's class and my yoga class will probably be cancelled, as will Nick's and my playgroup on Friday morning, which makes me a bit sad, because I consider that precious socializing time. Mostly, if we do get that much snow, we'll just be housebound and bored. There are worse things. I'll let you know what goes down (or in this case, what comes down).

Our friend Mike will be here soon to watch Idol with us (well....with me, since Brian doesn't give a hoot about it). Over and out...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I hadn't even thought about them cancelling playgroup. Hopefully we'll miss out and just get a dusting. I loathe winter.
