Sunday, January 20, 2008

a coupla things

1. Earlier today, Nick said to me "You, my friend, are a little cutie."

2. Chew on this:
"All we ever have is now. If you can't look around now and see the abundance in your life, you won't be able to notice it in five years either, no matter how thin [insert any other adjective you please] you are. Happiness is not about changing your circumstances but changing the eyes through which you view your circumstances." - Geneen Roth, international teacher, speaker, and writer on emotional eating

That really speaks to me! How about you?...


Patty O. said...

That is so true. Although after stepping on the scale and seeing a gain of 1 pound after all the hard work I have done this week, it is hard to really apply this quote right now. I am a bit bummed, but I will not let it get me too down. At this rate, I will be 50 by the time I reach my goal weight, if I ever do. Part of me is wondering if my thyroid is screwed up like my doctor predicted. I don't go for another blood panel for 3 months. If I gain weight every week for 3 months, I will have undone all my hard work over the last 2 years. Aargh....

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing that. I need to be reminded every one in a while.

And you, my friend, ARE a real cutie!