Monday, January 14, 2008

from the mouth of my babe

Nick has been saying/doing some cute stuff lately, so I thought I'd share. Yesterday evening, after we had taken down the Christmas tree, we went out for dinner. When we arrived home, I was bemoaning the fact that there were no longer Christmas lights twinkling in the window, and Nick piped up from the back seat with "Oh, Mom - you'll live!"

Later in the evening, I told Nick that I didn't want him to turn 4, because I wanted him to be my little baby boy. He said "Hey, Mom - I have an idea! I can be 4 and still be your little baby boy at the same time!" What a wise young man!

Today, we were meandering through Big Lots, and we were walking past the greeting cards when Nick suddenly said "Hey - can I pick a card to send to Grandma and Grandpa (in VA)?" I said "Sure - why don't you choose one?" I figured he'd go for some kids' birthday card or something, but he actually chose a totally appropriate card - it has a pretty flower on the front and says "thinking of you" inside. He was SO excited that he picked this card all by himself to send to his grandparents. He said that he thought they'd like the pretty flower. I wrote a note in it, and this evening, I'll let him scribble something in it. They'll love it!

Kids are so funny, sweet, and thoughtful! If you have any, give yours a hug. :)


Patty O. said...

Wow, Nick is really growing up. Isn't it wonderful to be witness to their growth and learning? Danny and Charlotte amaze me daily (as long as I have a positive attitude, that is). That is so cool that Nick came up with the idea of the card himself. What a sweetie. That will just melt his grandparents' hearts! In November on Charlotte's birthday, I asked Danny what he wanted to get her and he said, "A toy." so I thought, "What the heck, I'll take him to Walmart and see where this leads us." I figured he would pick out a toy HE likes. I wasn't sure he understood the whole giving presents thing.

Anyway, I gave him some inexpensive options, but he went to the balls himself and took some time choosing. Again, I thought he would pick the one with the Backyardigans on it, because he likes them. But, no, he finally picked a pink one and handed it directly to Charlotte with a big grin on his face and said, "Happy birthday, Charlotte." It made me so happy. First because he was having fun giving to someone else and he didn't even ask for one for himself. Second, it seems he is understanding more abstract ideas now. He is really coming along. Give Nick a big smooch for me.

Patty O. said...

Yippee!! You lost 2 whole pounds and no wonder! you have really been ramping up your exercise routine, I've noticed. Way to go!!!!!!