Tuesday, January 22, 2008

a not-so-stellar day

Today was just one of those frustrating days. It started very promisingly: Brian didn't have to be in to work until 9, so he was able to take Nick to preschool, giving me the ability to sleep in a little.

I got up, got ready, and set off for the morning muscle toning class at the fitness center. When I got there, though, the class had been cancelled. Aarrgghh! So, I went back home and did my cardio workout instead. There was supposed to be another muscle toning class this evening at 5:30, so I figured I'd do my cardio at home and then go back for the evening class. Well, when I arrived there this evening, I found out that they had just switched the class schedule around a little, and the class this evening was going to be a step class. I really didn't want another hour of cardio today - I had expressly wanted to do the muscle toning, since that's the area where I've really been lacking, and I've been really excited about getting some of that at the class. I know I should have just stayed for the step class, but I was disappointed and just didn't feel like it. So, I headed back home - two wasted trips to the fitness center in one day! I know this really isn't the end of the world, but hey - it's my day, and I'm free to complain about it in my own blog! :)

To top it all off, Nick has been El Turdo all day long. I mean, we're talking crying, whining, talking back, disobeying - the works! It's been a very exhausting day in that respect. He's been telling us we're stupid and he doesn't like us (in between kisses and hugs), and just generally being very defiant.

Nick is now in bed, though, and it's blessedly quiet here. Well, aside from the TV, which Brian is watching. I can handle that, though. :) Tomorrow, Nick and I have eye checkups - I hope he's in a better mood and can behave for his appointment. We shall see!


Patty O. said...

I'm sorry about your day. I would have been annoyed about the classes, too . Sometimes something like the class would be what I had looked forward to all day (or week) so to have your plans thwarted like that would be exasperating.

I love the term El Turdo. I am going to have to use that one. Sometimes I swear preschoolers and toddlers have bipolar disease (at least mine do). They will hate you one minute and be screaming and crying and the next they are laughing delightedly. So weird. Although I supposed I have days where my emotions swing wildly like that too. Good luck with the eye exams.

Anonymous said...

And now Nick has made an El Turdo in the potty!