Monday, July 30, 2007

good morning, baltimore!

Hairspray rocked my face off! Such a rollicking, feel-good movie. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and highly recommend it. In fact, I think I'll have to purchase the soundtrack - it's so fun and upbeat. I was joined by my friend Jutta, and another friend, Leigh Ann, surprised us by showing up, too. After the movie was over, we stood around talking for WAY too long. I was wracked with maternal guilt, because I had told Nick that I would be home to put him to bed, but I wasn't. Later, Brian told me that at bedtime, Nick was asking where I was. :) Today, I apologized to him for my mistake. I think that's a great way to teach him to do that himself, and to teach him that we ALL make mistakes. He's such a sweet kid - he said "It's OK, Mommy!"

Didn't exercise yesterday, but that was deliberate, as I was developing shinsplints and thought I should have a day off. But, Angela and I will be hitting the gravel again tonight - whoo hoo! I'm actually looking forward to it - that's so weird for me.

I've thought about trying the new weight-loss drug Alli, but 2 things are stopping me: the cost (at least $90/month) and the possible "treatment effects" - loose, uncontrollable stools and gas with oily discharge. The message board on the website has a whole thread to discuss how to remove the stains from your clothing. Ewww! I don't know if I could handle that. I think I'll stick to exercising and trying to watch what I eat, at least for awhile. I do know some people who have had success with phentermine, and am thinking about seeing my doctor and discussing that with her. Also, my faboo friend Patty suggests that I try Weight Watchers, which I'm intrigued by. The point is that I certainly have options. I want to send a public shout-out to Patty - she is being so incredibly supportive and encouraging to me, and has given me some really useful tips and advice - I love her!

This is totally random, but I know that some of you will appreciate it. My WalMart has these two chest freezers for sale, sitting side by side, and each one has a sign on it that says "last one available." :) Lordy.

If anyone is interested, is having a big sale through tomorrow, with some things free (you just pay shipping). I ordered myself these totally cute personalized note cards - 10 free plus $4.41 shipping. They have lots of really neat designs, and you can add whatever text you want, change the color schemes, fonts, etc. Where else can you get personalized note cards for 44 cents each? They also have free business cards, return address labels, etc. Check it out!

Hmmm - I'm totally rambling now. Sometimes, I'm just in a rambling mood, ya know? I don't really see a problem with that. :) But, I must go and attend to such things as laundry, etc. Hope everyone's having a good day...


Anonymous said...

The key with alli is you have to eat a healthy diet while you are taking it. If you do that you can avoid the unpleasant side effects.

Patty O. said...

Thanks for the shout-out. I love being called "faboo," and you are the only one who has ever called me that!@

Also, loved the freezer tale. Cracks me up!

As for the Alli, I have been noticing ads for it everywhere and have been intrigued. When I read about it, though, it sounds like you really still have to exercise and eat right, which is good, but I worry what does it do to your metabolism? Will it mess it up so that when you go off the drugs, you will have a hard time keeping it off? I have no idea. I haven't researche dit too much, but it scares me a bit. I am probably paranoid, though, because one of my closest friends' mom too Phen-Fen and now has major heart problems. Sorry, I don't mean to scare you off...

But, you are doing a fantastic job all on your own....