Saturday, July 28, 2007

a nice, social day

Today, my neighbor and walking buddy Angela had a BBQ. It was nice to go and socialize with people and eat the yummy food. Of course, I ate too much (those hot dogs and salads were just too tempting), but the nice thing is that this time, my attitude isn't all fatalistic and defeatist. I'm not all "Well, I'm a big pig, so I should just give up." Instead, I'm all "So, I ate too much. On to tomorrow." Sweet! It was nice to get to show my house to my zesty friend Rebecca. She had never been here, but came to the BBQ, so I brought her over for the tour. She was very complimentary. Love that! I am really proud of my house, but too few people actually see it.

Angela and I walked this evening, but not for as long as we planned, because we stopped to talk to a neighbor we had never met. It was a nice conversation, and I hope that I'll see more of her. She has twins (a boy and a girl) that were born less than 2 weeks after Nick, so I know that he would love to play with them. It was a nice diversion, even if it did cut into our walk. But, we still walked for 30 minutes, yakking the whole time. :) I'm feeling very warm and fuzzy towards Angela right now for being my walking buddy. It seems like she's really committed to it and will be with me for the long haul. I sure hope she will, because I really feel like we're on to something that could make a huge difference for me. Assuming that all this walking leads to weight loss and general fitness, I will never be able to thank her enough for helping me. Love her! Also, the nice, juicy conversations are great fun.

I'm off to get my poor sore feet rubbed by my lovely hubby....


Anonymous said...

Your too sweet! I am totally looking forward to tonight although it would have been fun to do the "Hairspray" thing with you guys. Oh well, you can tell me all about it on Monday. 8 o'clock sharp!

Patty O. said...

Congratulations! You ahve already lost 1.5 pounds. That is tremendous! Good job! I know it might not seem like a lot, but it is best to only lose 1-2 pounds a week.

Your determination is really inspiring. And way to go on not being fatalistic. That is totally my problem too. In fact, I was just telling my aunt about that. I will splurge, then feel guilty and get down and then figure why bother for the rest of the week, which is so destructive because one bad day can totally be salvageable and not ruin your efforts, but an entire bad week is a bit harder to bounce back from. I will be weighing in tomorrow at WW. I hope I do alright. I have cheated a bit, so we shall see. reading your blogs has really helped me get back on track, though, so thanks for your honesty!