Monday, July 23, 2007

my new mantra is....

"I don't overeat." Not "I shouldn't overeat" or "I'm trying not to overeat," just "I don't." It's kind of nice to put it that way - like it just is. It's a state of being, not something I'm striving for or feeling guilty about. It sounds hokey to try to "fool" myself in this way, but it just might work.

I'm also trying really hard to practice mindful eating. This is pretty hard for me to do, because I'm VERY used to reading while I eat. It's incredibly difficult for me to sit down with food and not reach for a book or magazine. But, when I'm reading, I'm not paying attention to the eating, and I don't really experience the food. The theory is that if I pay attention to the food and really experience it with all my senses, I might be more satisfied by it. It makes perfect sense, doesn't it? I'll let you know how it goes....

Off to see the new Harry Potter movie with my hubby this evening - yay! Then, I'm off to Springfield for a couple of days for the choral concert mentioned on the sidebar. Wish me luck with my solo. I'm glad that the weekly driving to Springfield will be over - I can just relax for awhile! Brian is on leave for two weeks, so we can do whatever we want. Bliss!

1 comment:

Patty O. said...

A book you might be interested in is called "Mindless Eating" by a scientist (Brian Wasnick, I think ) and is fascinating! They do all kinds of experiments to see what influences people to eat and the results are quite surprising. Then in each section, he gives very easy, small ways to change your environment to encourage you NOT to overeat. his whole theory is if you can midlessly overeat, you can also midlessly undereat and it doesn't have to be painful. And even if you aren't interested in the tips,it is just really interesting from a psychology standpoint--and it's an easy read.