Friday, October 3, 2008

my son is a creepy stalker.

So, Nick is quite the ladies' man, and usually professes to have one or more girlfriends at any given time, most of whom are actually adult women. His latest obsessions have included moms of his classmates, my fitness instructors, etc. Well, we went to St. Louis recently and spent some time with my cousin Jessica, who is 28 and is, incidentally, about to be married. Since then, Nick has decided that Jessica is his girlfriend. (Let's face it - he's too young to understand the incestuous implications there.) Today when I was processing pictures, Nick saw a picture of Tim and Jessica standing together, smiling for the camera. He looked at it solemnly for a second and then said "Why is he standing next to her? He can't do that." When I asked him why, he explained "Because she's mine." (cue creepy stalker music) :)


Anonymous said...

ooh amy,
watch out for him. =+) i bet he becomes quite the lady's man one day.

Patty O. said...

Too cute!