Monday, October 13, 2008

monday, monday

It's a gloomy Monday here in central MO, but I'm happy to be back home and back into my routine. I hate the fact that I haven't worked out for four days in a row! But, I worked out today, and should be working out every day through Saturday, barring any unforeseen circumstances. And, I'm back to counting calories. Let's just say that I didn't eat very responsibly during our visit to IL. :) But, boy, did I enjoy what I ate! It was nice to eat at a couple of our favorite restaurants, and to see friends Carrie and Patty. We had beautiful weather for our pumpkin patch visit, but it was way too hot - mid 80s! Where art thou, fall? Nick really enjoyed staying in a hotel and sleeping in his own queen-size bed, and I rather enjoyed it, myself. I always like staying in a hotel. It feels so luxurious, and there are no chores to be done! All that I need to do is sleep, eat, bathe, and watch TV. That's the life!

So, I hope everyone's week is off to a good start, and hopefully, I'll have something worthy to post about very soon....


MissouriMormonMama said...

I agree about hotels ( : That is half the reason we took off this weekend! Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Hey woman, you have been rather uncommunicative. I've emailed some but haven't heard back, so I don't know if you've gottenthem. We've beenout of town since the 5th, will be back next week. Hope all is well and put something new on the blog!:)
