Thursday, October 23, 2008

i guess i owe you guys a post :)

First of all, here are a couple of pictures for your viewing pleasure. The first is of me and Nick getting ready for the hayride out to the pumpkin patch during his preschool field trip yesterday. The second is of the three of us at the Great Pumpkin Patch in IL earlier this month:

Now, on to my post. After being chastised by my friend Rebecca today for not having posted in a while, I have realized that I guess I should post, especially since I'm going to be gone this weekend. It's weird - it's not that I haven't been doing anything this week (quite the contrary); the spirit just hasn't moved me to blog. It's sort of like cleaning the house or trying on clothes - I really have to be in the mood, or it's not gonna happen. :)

Highlights of this week included getting our flu shots (which, for Nick, was a MAJOR trauma, though quickly forgotten once he had three Thomas stickers in hand), Nick's preschool pumpkin patch trip, and my MOPS meeting today. The pumpkin patch trip was fun - good weather, though a bit too breezy for my taste! The kids had a lot of fun jumping from straw bales, checking out the petting zoo, and taking a hayride out to the patch to pick their very own pumpkins. The most interesting moment came when the male donkey in the petting zoo decided that he needed some lovin' and mounted the female with his stuff right on out there for everyone to see. The reason we could see it was because she kept moving forward, so he could never actually do the deed. We adults laughed at this, while the kids seemed to be blessedly oblivious. It certainly shook things up! :)

MOPS was nice today. It was a low-key meeting with lots of yummy food and convo, and a game whereby we learned very unique facts about one another. Among my MOPS peeps are a lady who has been on a professional women's football team, someone who has met Olga Korbut, and someone who can bend her thumbs behind her hands. Who knew? Very interesting stuff. The interesting fact that I supplied (which turned out to be not-so-interesting, compared to the others!) is that jobs I have had include newspaper obituary writer, medical assistant to a podiatrist, and Girl Scouts administrative assistant.

Tomorrow, I'm off to Springfield for my gig at Drury University with Tim. I'm going to get some shopping done while I'm in town, and will return Sunday. I'll try to get a picture of me in my gig finery and share it on the blog! Have a great weekend, everyone!


Anonymous said...

Glad to see my endless nagging worked.:) I will have to check out the jewelry website-I am trying to get as much Christmas shopping done now as possible. Have fun in Springfield!

Amber said...

Great pictures Amy!

I still miss MOPS meetings, I never found a good group down here.
Anyhoo, I enjoy reading about your low key weeks, so keep up the blogging.