Saturday, February 28, 2009

it's snowing!

Last night was our MOPS Moms' Nite Out at mentor mom Jeannie's house, and it was fun! There were 7 of us in all, and we just sat around eating, playing games, eating, and eating. I am, once again, SO ashamed. :) Susie made this amazing focaccia bread, and Leigh Ann came by with another of her decadent cakes. I was helpless to resist their power.

I ended up not getting to bed until 12:30, which just does NOT fly with me anymore. I slept until 9, and I'm still feeling groggy and draggy. I have absolutely NO motivation to do any of the things I should, like dust, mop, fill Xmas tubs, etc. Furthermore, we're getting quite the snowstorm, and that always makes me just want to sit there staring out the window and drinking hot cocoa. I'm pretty sure that today will not be a day of much accomplishment for me. But, I guess that's OK. I do plan on calling some of my peeps and catching up, and that is certainly not without value! Enjoy your snow day, my local peeps...


Patty O. said...

I love the new decor!!! So pretty. And especially nice that you are honoring my patron saint. : )

I say enjoy a lazy Saturday. That's what I am doing. I have done a load of laundry and run a few errands. I have, in fact, been lazy much of the week (Charlotte and I have been sick) and I am enjoying it for once. Of course, I am not enjoying the mess that is accumulating.....

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you had a great time even though I didn't get to come!